Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Keep track of events, newsletters and links right in Inbox by Gmail.

Inbox by Gmail is my default email client on my Nexus and it's an app that keeps getting better with time. Today Google added some nice features to the app to better manage events, newsletters and links. You might be wondering how an email client lets you manage events in your Inbox. It does that simply by grouping together every emails related to particular events or meetings and if there's a change, you will see a comprehensive overview in your Inbox, in one place. It's as simple as that.

The second feature is the ability to preview newsletters you're subscribed to. Click on an article and a separate window opens for you to read it and the newsletter will minimize to save space in your Inbox.

The third addition is a lot like a 'read it later' feature. I often email articles to myself to be read later.In this update, Google added 'Save to Inbox'. Instead of emailing a link, simply use the 'Save to Inbox' to save links for later. Obviously, all saved links will be grouped together in one place in your Inbox. This feature is available on Android or iOS and on the web with the new Inbox by Gmail Chrome extension.

The update is not available in every region yet (mine included), but it sure is coming to your Google Play store.

Source: Google

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