Today Telegram for Android has been updated with calls. For now, users of the popular messaging app in Western Europe will be able to make "secure, crystal-clear" call within the app. Calls will be encrypted end-to-end and will require verification by both parties before being initiated. The caller and the callee need to compare four emojis for the conversation to begin. And that is not all.
Telegram voice call is AI powered. The neural network will learn from device's feedback to optimize the call. No user's data will be recorded, only information such as network speed, ping times. These data will help improve future calls. Telegram even goes to the extent of giving users compete control on "who can and who can't call you with granular precision". The app will even let you enable the Use less Data option in Data and Storage settings.
The update is available for all to download in Google Play Store.
Source: Telegram blog